Edwina, Gary R., List:

I vaguely remembered seeing that diagram before, so I did some digging in
the archive and found a very similar post by Edwina from March 22 (
https://list.iupui.edu/sympa/arc/peirce-l/2018-03/msg00206.html).  Of
course, I have no idea why the alternate version appeared on the List more
than eight months later.


Jon S.

On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 7:59 AM Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:

> Gary R, list
> Yes - I think - but can't be positive -  that this is my post - from many,
> many months ago. ...a year or so? I don't recall. The first sentence
> puzzles me as to why I was referring to three quasi-minds. But- since it
> is  such an old post, and I don't keep them - then I can't recall the
> context.  But how it emerged as a post from Dec 4/18 - I've no idea.
> Edwina
> On Wed 05/12/18 12:24 AM , Gary Richmond gary.richm...@gmail.com sent:
> Mike, Edwina, list,
> Yes, this is quite peculiar and Ben Udell and I will most certainly look
> into it.
> But first, to help clarify matters: Edwina, do you indeed disavow this
> post? You wrote that you haven't posted for some time so that Mike quite
> naturally took this to mean that this wasn't your post. But is it something
> you may have drafted or posted earlier? If indeed it is not your post, this
> is a serious matter which we'll take up with IUPUI staff immediately.
> Mike, thanks for bringing this so emphatically to our attention. I would
> suggest that list members not continue in this thread until we've been able
> to discover what is going on here.
> Best,
> Gary (writing as list moderator)
> Gary Richmond
> Philosophy and Critical Thinking
> Communication Studies
> LaGuardia College of the City University of New York
> 718 482-5690
> On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 10:34 PM Mike Bergman <m...@mkbergman.com> wrote:
>> List Moderator (Gary),
>> This alarms me. The starting post in this thread is putatively from
>> Edwina, but does not bear the hallmarks of her posting style nor format.
>> The message itself does not read as from Edwina. Further, the main message
>> of the post requires us to open a file; PDF in this case, which does convey
>> a bit more security, but opening a file nonetheless.
>> Edwina has subsequently disowned the post. At minimum, we have a spammer.
>> At maximum, it is much worse.
>> I'm not sure how the list should proceed from here, but there are issues
>> that need immediate attention.
>> Mike
>> On 12/4/2018 7:59 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt wrote:
>> Edwina, List:
>> Very strange; that message also now appears in the List archive with
>> today's date (
>> https://list.iupui.edu/sympa/arc/peirce-l/2018-12/msg00004.html).
>> ET:  I suggest that objective reality exists outside of the semiosic
>> interaction - and becomes a DO when it is in some particular individual
>> semiosic interaction.
>> When you put it that way, I agree in the sense that an Instance of a Sign
>> is an occurrence, where the Dynamic Object and Dynamic Interpretant are
>> what the Sign actually denotes and signifies (respectively) on that
>> occasion.
>> In my understanding, the Quasi-mind is what possesses knowledge (beliefs)
>> and therefore habits, as the cumulative effect of all previous Signs that
>> have determined it to various Dynamic Interpretants.
>> It was Peirce himself who explicitly stated, "A Sign is a Representamen
>> with a mental Interpretant" (CP 2.274, EP 2:272-273; 1903).
>> Regards,
>> Jon S.
>> On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 5:48 PM Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>
>> wrote:
>>> Jon, list
>>> I note that your post claims that I sent that message to the list on
>>> Tues, Dec 4, 2018. I haven't posted to the list for weeks and so have no
>>> idea what is going on.
>>> As for your comment that the SAME DO...produces a series of signs..etc…
>>> My view is that the DO is only a DO when it has been moved into a semiosic
>>> interaction and as such, is NOT the 'same DO' for all semiosic actions.
>>> That is, I suggest that objective reality exists outside of the semiosic
>>> interaction - and becomes a DO when it is in some particular individual
>>> semiosic interaction.
>>> The Representamen is in my understanding, the site of the habits, i.e.,
>>> the knowledge base. I disagree with your view that the Representamen is a
>>> mere synonym for 'sign. And I consider that all semiosis has a mental
>>> interpretant - understanding 'MIND" in the Peircean sense to include all of
>>> matter [matter is effete mind].
>>> We each have a very different view of semiosis - and I'm not willing to
>>> get into a huge debate about our differences.
>>> Edwina
>>> On Tue 04/12/18 5:29 PM , Jon Alan Schmidt jonalanschm...@gmail.com
>>> sent:
>>> Edwina, List:
>>> This diagram suggests to me a linear input-output process in which each
>>> Quasi-mind's Dynamic Interpretant is (or determines) the next Quasi-mind's
>>> Dynamic Object.  By contrast, my understanding of Peircean semiosis is that
>>> the same Dynamic Object produces a series of Signs as different Dynamic
>>> Interpretants in different Quasi-minds, which is only terminated if and
>>> when a particular Quasi-mind's Dynamic Interpretant is a Feeling or
>>> Exertion, rather than yet another Sign (cf. CP 4.536; 1906).
>>> I am not aware of any text where Peirce defined "Representamen" as "a
>>> generalizing habit-formation process within a community"; that is what he
>>> called "semiosis" or even "inquiry."  Instead, he consistently used
>>> "Representamen" as either a synonym for "Sign" or a generalization of
>>> "Sign" that does not necessarily have a mental Interpretant (cf. CP 2.274,
>>> EP 2:272-273; 1903).
>>> Rather than being internal to each individual Quasi-mind, I associate
>>> the Immediate Object and Immediate Interpretant with the Sign/Representamen
>>> itself, in accordance with the specific System of Signs to which it
>>> belongs.  This is what makes it possible for the Sign/Representamen to
>>> serve as a medium of communication between different Quasi-minds, "welding"
>>> them into one Commens (cf. CP 4.551 & EP 2.389-391 & EP 2.544n22 & EP
>>> 2:478; all 1906).
>>> The Final Interpretant seems to be missing from this scheme.  Where and
>>> how does it fit into the diagram?  In my view, it is the Dynamic
>>> Interpretant that the Sign/Representamen would produce in the ideal 
>>> Quasi-mind--the
>>> ultimate opinion of an infinite community after infinite inquiry (cf. CP
>>> 8.184, EP 2:496; 1909).
>>> Regards,
>>> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
>>> Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
>>> www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt - twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt
>>> On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 8:21 AM Edwina Taborsky < tabor...@primus.ca>
>>> wrote:
>>>> This is my own very rough drawing of the semiosic interaction of
>>>> Quasi-minds A, B, C…
>>>> I’ve set up the triadic Relations on two levels. That is, the
>>>> Representamen  is a generalizing habit-formation process within a community
>>>> and as such, it mediates the particular, and  functions on a different
>>>> spatiotemporal scale than the particular individual experiences of the
>>>> Objects and Interpretants.
>>>> I hope this gets through to the list – I’m unskilled with the computer
>>>> – which dominates me rather than vice versa.
>>>> Edwina
>>> --
>> __________________________________________
>> Michael K. Bergman
>> Cognonto Corporation
>> 319.621.5225skype:michaelkbergmanhttp://cognonto.comhttp://mkbergman.comhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/mkbergman
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