Cécile, Edwina, Jon, List,

James Liszka made an important observation about Peirce's classification of 
signs:  “the theory is more complex than the phenomenon it hopes to explain."   
Since Peirce himself was constantly rewriting and revising  the details, we 
can't be sure what he would have written if he had a few more years to write.  
And we have no right to claim that anything we (or anybody else) would write is 
what Peirce would approve.

Peirce's correspondence with Lady Welby is an important key to almost 
everything he wrote after 1903.  Up to 1903, his writings about phenomenology 
followed abstract issues in a style influenced by Kant -- even on issues where 
he differed from or went beyond Kant.  But after he read Welby's book on 
significs and began his correspondence with her, his writings on phaneroscopy 
are very different from anything he had written about phenomenology.   They are 
more concrete and address issues they are both discussing in their letters.

Please reread the excerpts from letters to Lady Welby in EP2, pp 477 ff.  Note 
how tentative and uncertain he is about those issues.  On p. 483, "The ten 
divisions appear to me to be all Trichotomies; but it is possible that some of 
them are not properly so. Of these Ten Trichotomies, I have a clear 
apprehension of some (which I mark...), and unsatisfactory and doubtful notion 
of others (which I mark ...), and a tolerable but not thoroughly tried 
conception of others (which I mark ... for ...), almost clear, for ... hardly 
better."   (The Greek letters do not copy properly.)

On p. 488, he writes as if he is not sure of himself:  "From the summer of 1905 
to the same time in 1906,1 devoted much study to my ten trichotomies of signs.  
It is time I reverted to the subject, as I know I could now make it much 
clearer. But I dare say some of my former names are better than those I now 

If Peirce is unsure of how to proceed, we cannot assume that we know better 
than he did.   Any attempt to say anything beyond what Peirce wrote is an 
opinion of the person who does the writing.  It may be better, it may be worse. 
 But all we can say is that it is not what Peirce wrote.   Nobody can claim 
that their opinion is what Peirce intended.

On p. 490, he admits "I don't know whether these trichotomies will suggest 
anything to you or not.  No doubt you [Welby] have studied relations to 
Interpretants in some directions much further than I.[...]

In summary, anything not written by Peirce himself is the opinion of the person 
who writes it.    Nobody can claim that their summary, paraphrase, or extension 
is anything that Peirce intended.    And even writings that Peirce intended on 
one occasion may be something he later rejected or restated in a different way.

Fundamental principle:  Any comment about anything Peirce wrote, is a personal 
opinion of the author.  Other people may have good reasons for disagreeing -- 
or not.  That's why we need open-ended discussions, especially about topics 
that Peirce himself was not clear about.

However, there are some subjects -- in mathematics and mathematical logic and 
in experimental sciences -- where developments during the past century have 
gone far beyond Peirce.   But even in those areas, Peirce has important points 
to add, and experts in those fields often agree that Peirce was right.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
https://cspeirce.com  and, just as well, at 
https://www.cspeirce.com .  It'll take a while to repair / update all the links!
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