>>> Brad De Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/12/00 12:33PM >>>
>  Logically, therefore, scholars and intellectuals of color 
>militantly critique books, lectures and other intellectual 
>expressions that express and reflect this white supremacy or racism. 
>Even liberal scholars can reflect white supremacy, such that one 
>part of their work is anti-racist, but mixed with it are racist 
>concepts. The dualism of liberals on race is a well-settled 

And when they accuse anti-racist authors *whom* *they* *have* *not* 
*read* of racism, they look *really* *stupid*...


CB: And when "they" say :

"And when they accuse anti-racist authors *whom* *they* *have* *not* 
*read* of racism, they look *really* *stupid*..."

They look really  (*&^%$(+#@  and not capable of judging us as stupid ; nor do "they" 
have a good record on these lists of judging who is anti-racist and who is not. In 
fact when "they" say someone is anti-racist, I get suspicious, as would Henry Liu and 
Jim Craven and... and...

In other words, you don't have good judgment about who and what are and are not 

And if the statement

> >Simply saying that one can, as  Diamond does, draw a rough line accross
> >the African continent to distinguish "white" Africa from "black" Africa
> >proper.  Egyptians, Tunisians, Moroccans, Libyans and others in the
> >Northern areas are "white".

if accurate, is a racist line drawing.


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