Are you kidding me?  Do you know anything about Greenspan?  His history?
His flacking for every flimflam artist in the 1980s?  His Ayn Randism?

This guy has given a new meaning to the word equivocation.  Deregulation?
What deregulation?  That's total crap. When Long Term Capital Management
collapsed, approximately one month after Greenspan testified that the
markets did a better job of "regulating" hedge funds than any govt. agency
could,   the Fed intervened to arrange the loans and keep the corpse afloat.
Deregulation only exists to the extent that it justifies the terms of

Theory?  This guy has no fucking theory, he has an ideology which he uses
and is used to adapt to the reality he happens to find at any given moment.

Do you remember this clown's response to the emerging Asian currency crises
in 1997?  His smug talking down to Thailand and South Korea and Indonesia
about restraint and budgets blah blah blah...

Guy's a total fucking scam artist, a real hero of his times, with a face
made out of silly putty and a mind to match.

You're happy to say you admire this piece of shit?  Well, as we used to say,
"There it is." Which means...  No sense talking about it.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jurriaan Bendien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] demo fervor

>> Personally, I'm happy to say that I do admire Al Greenspan for his great
> personal dedication to "finding out" about economics and his great concern
> for the facts of experience, which many economists simply do not have.
> just that I think that his deregulation policies have different economic
> effects and consequences from what he thinks they have. I think the real
> evolution of the monetary and credit system since 1981 raises questions
> which his theory just cannot answer, and indeed contradicts it.
> Regards,
> Jurriaan

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