Graham Barr wrote:
On Mar 5, 2007, at 1:56 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:

* brian d foy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-03-04T12:09:26]

I'm not talking about the particular field name, but the idea that
I'd want to say in META.yml "Don't send me mail", or whatever
setting I want.

Instead of having to disable (or enable) CC for every new tool,
I'd want a setting that new tools could look at without me having
to change the META.yml in all of my distributions then
re-uploading them all.
I'm just saying that setting configuration options per tool isn't the
way to handle global preferences.

Are you saying that you want a per-author META.yml or that you don't
want to have to say "don't send me mail" in two places in each
distribution, or both?

What I think brian is saying, and I agree, is that he does not want
to have to say "don't send me mail" N times. Where N is between 1
and, um I don't know. Haw many tools will there ever be that want
to send mail back to the author and what will their names be ?

So as well as having per-tool settings in META.yml there should be
some global settings that all tools agree to use as a default.

If we are going to do something like this, I wonder if it might be better to somehow integrate it into PAUSE...

(although granted that wouldn't be particular useful for extentions-type functionality)

Adam K

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