I agree completely with Johan; despite the conveniences of HTML, we
don't find it adequate to our needs.  Apart from getting marginally
attractive large characters on a projection screen, which can usually be
achieved with some degree of effort on any computer platform, we also
want the *printed notes* to look as good as possible, and HTML is just
too simplistic to handle all the typeface/font changes and layout elements
we like to use.

It's also nice to be able to be able to do "conditional inclusions" of
sub-documents (for different versions), to manage styles conveniently,
and have proofreader revisions show up in a different color, etc.  And of
course we like to automatically generate indices, cross-references and
tables of contents too.

So we use (brace yourselves) MS-Word, having standardized on it in the
late 80s, when UNIX-based solutions were limited to troff (which we still
use to print Lab Exercises).  Then we render it in PDF for projection,
which is a great tool that produces beautiful output from impressively
tiny files.

I personally view HTML-based approaches as a reasonable time-saver for
conference presentations, but for corporate classes, where the extra
development effort can be amortized over years rather than hours, that's
the best way to go.

| Dr. Tim Maher, CEO, Consultix        (206) 781-UNIX/8649;  ask for FAX# |
| EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         WEB: http://www.consultix-inc.com  |
|  /etc/cotd:  find /earth -follow -name bin_laden -print | xargs rm -rf  |

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