Andrew Savige <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am soon to give my first Perl presentation to
> Panic! I have never done this before. Worse, I have never
> attended a Perl conference to learn from the masters.

Just a few hints. Other people will probably tell you to do the exact
opposite-- it will always be your decision.

Do you know what you are going to talk about? Don't laugh, it's

Try to make a sketch of what you want to talk about (topics,
sub-topics). How much time do you have-- that controls how much

Can you improvise or do you need to work it out completely? For a
first time I'd advice to write the text completely and rehearse it a
couple of times. Use some friends a guinea pigs.

> I have heard Dominus mention the importance of entertainment and
> theatre but I have no idea how to do that. 

Don't unless you're funny. Really, a bad joke is worse than no joke.

> I have also heard that
> Gellyfish, Damian and Schwern all give superb presentations.

Don't try to match the masters-- be yourself! I doubt if their first
presentations were superb.

> A big of googling found these two:
> Which is better? Or are there better alternatives?

There have been long threads about presentation tools. Each of them
take time to master. Existing experience also plays a role. If you can
afford it (CPU/Memory/Disk) use Portable Presenter is
a good alternative (and it's Perl), especially when using the XML
front-end. Personally I would advise against HTML based presentations.
But, as I said, long threads have been written about this already...

Hope this helps.

-- Johan

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