Uri Guttman wrote:
>   JP> y/L/A/;
> tell that to perllol :)

I do, through clenched teeth, every time I see it.

"Perl: Laughing Out Loud"  :-)

> the 'ian' suffix is overkill. think
> about all the classic mathematical transforms and they don't append
> 'ian' to the person's name. fourier, laplace, etc.

I find tons of counter-examples.  

Lorentzian.  Newtonian.  Langrangian.  Smithsonian.
Brownian.  Wronskian.  Boolean.  Gaussian.
Keplerian.  Orwellian.  Hegelian.  Russellian.
Gregorian.  Dickensian.  Cartesian.
Bayesian.  Edwardian.  Lucasian.
Pavlovian.  Euclidean.  Laplacian.  Darwinian.
Hamiltonian.  Jeffersonian.

I don't think adding "-ian" to a name to make it an
adjective is particularly bizarre.  It also doesn't
seem to violate any rules of grammer that I know of.

And there's nothing special about a transform, that different
rules would apply to it anyway.

> maybe schwartzian sounds better 

Indeed; afaict, how a proper noun is converted into an
adjective seems to depend *entirely* on how it sounds.
There's no reason it couldn't be "Hawkingian radiation"
except that absolutely no one would say that!

John Porter

Useless use of time in void context.

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