On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 07:38:50PM -0700, Brent Dax wrote:

[snip four examples are obvious ...]
>>> $a."b";

If a has a method 'foo' such that


is the standard invocation, it would be nice when $b = 'foo' for
        $a.foo === $a."$b" === $a.$b

How I see the . operator working in this case is as something like

        $a.foo === &{$a{foo}}

Hence that would logically follow that

&{$a{foo}} === $a.foo === &{$a{"$b"}} === $a."$b" === $a.$b === &{$a{$b}}

and this case

>>> a.b;        

is either an error, or something very scary.


david j. goehrig                bit twiddler            www.valinux.com

"There was nothing creative, charming, admirable or innovative in
Pokémon except that it parted small children from their
money with brutal efficiency. It inexplicably featured the
dramatic story of cockfighting monsters who lived in your pants..."

                                - John Tynes

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