On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 03:16:46AM +0100, Simon Cozens wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 03:33:52PM -0700, Edward Peschko wrote:
> > > Please, no. Some of us have to *teach* this language.
> > Then I guess that either space sensitive '.' is the answer
> Sorry. I'll try it again.
> SPACE SENSITIVE and SOME OF US HAVE TO TEACH IT. Do you understand yet?
> Are you *really* willing to deal with hundreds of newbies who don't
> understand why $a . $b isn't the same as $a .$b and isn't the same as
> $a. $b and isn't the same as $a.$b? And do you realise what the only
> "good" answer we can possibly give them is? "Because Ed said so".


The problem already comes up... '4. 5' is not the same as '4.5'. '.' is 
*already* doing double duty as decimal mark. The fact that you don't see this 
very often shows exactly how rare the mistake arises.

I think the 'tutorial' will come from experience. When the error that you get 
from $a.$b comes up (and it should be a syntax error) you'll see exactly what 
is wrong. If $a. $b, again, syntax error. Only $a . $b should be allowed.

The only point of contention would be if someone said $a . b, when they meant
$a.b. And how often will that occur?


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