Edward Peschko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > > beautiful. Then extending this is simple, consistent, easy to read,
> > > compatible with perl5..
> > 
> > I'm not sure that that was the point I was trying to make.
> > If nothing else, the '.' would then be responsible for *three* 
> > different actions.
> Right, but what *I* am saying is that any given user is already conditioned to 
> the fact that it can mean different things in different circumstances.
> And like I said earlier, if we make $a . $b the only proper form for 
> concatenation, I don't think that there is going to be much of a learning curve.
> In any case, I like it better than yet another punctuation mark.

I see, and you would be willing to break the cases where I may want to
put spaces around the . used for method invocations for clarity?


  $foo     . foobar ("Test1");
  $foobar  . baz    ("Test2");
  $tmtowdi . quux   ("Test3");


That specific use of whitespace I don't do often, but I could see
doing it.  I often do something like that when working with other
variable length identifiers.

> Ed

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