Damian Conway writes:
 > Unary ~> would (by analogy to unary dot) append the current topic to the
 > argument list of its operand.
 > Thus, your examples become simply:
 >          given @list {
 >               ~> grep /bad!/ ~> @throw;
 >               ~> grep /good/ ~> @keep;
 >          }
 > And:
 >          given @list {
 >               ~> grep length == 1 ~> @onecharthings;
 >               ~> grep [0..29] ~> @numberslessthan30;
 >               ~> grep /^\w+$/ ~> @words;
 >               ~> grep $_%2==0 ~> @evennumbers;
 >          }
 > Damian

but if I dont want to force @list in scalar context ??? 
since ~> and friends are _pure_ grammar while given is not , 
probably we can have unary postfix ~> ( or |~> )  

         @list ~> ; # ( or @list |~> ; )

         ~> grep length == 1 ~> @onecharthings;
         ~> grep [0..29] ~> @numberslessthan30;
         ~> grep /^\w+$/ ~> @words;
         ~> grep $_%2==0 ~> @evennumbers;

as a way to multiplex @list 


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