On 5/14/05, Adam Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't mean to be disrespectful, but what was whoever suggested ^
> thinking?

Well I suggested backtick in the same role *duck*.

> For starters, about the only combination harder to hit with on
> spanned hand might be ctrl-F5.

I've remapped my keyboard so that I push shift for numbers and leave
it off for the various symbols on the top row. ^ isn't hard to type
for me.  (Plus, is it that hard to use two hands with shifted keys
like you were taught in typing class?)

> ... the rest of Adam's rant

You know, rants usually just make me wrap a pillow around my head,
push delete, and read the next message.  But for some reason this one
stuck out at me.  If the alternatives are:

    * declare $self, use $self.method, and .method for calling on $_
    * use .method, and use $_.method for calling on $_

I'd say the former has no case.  Not by popular demand, not by any
Huffman principle, not by the principle of least surprise.


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