Luke wrote:

> If the alternatives are:
>     * declare $self, use $self.method, and .method for calling on $_
>     * use .method, and use $_.method for calling on $_
> I'd say the former has no case.

I, for one, am not nearly so certain of that.

Our original rationale for that choice was not capricious (and, by the
way, it's getting a little tedious to have to continually remind people
that we don't just pull these decisions out of a hat; that we actually
do weight the case for and against them before we decide).

In this instance, the decision (at least, as far as I was concerned) was
based on a simple observation. How often do you have an object on which
you need to call many other methods? In my experience, relatively often.
For example:

    for @clients {
        my $value = .volume * .rate;
        my $cost  = .management_ratio * .volume;
        .add_profit($value - $cost);

Remember too that hash and array look-ups are method calls, which greatly
increases the utility of method calls on a topic:

    given %options {
        .{width}         //= 80;
        .{height}        //= 24;
        .{gutter}        //=  4;
        .{justification} //= 'left';

        .{available} = .{width} - .{gutter}

        .{size} = .{width} * .{height};

*But* all my experience of OO programming suggests that the one place
where these kinds of code constructs are comparative rare is...inside
methods (because they're supposed to be short and highly focused).
Calling lots of methods from within another method just isn't a frequent
requirement...and if it is, it's usually isolated to one or two high
level methods within a class. Especially when your language gives you
dot-variables to access your attributes, and class-scoped subroutines to
implement your internal utilities. Widespread nesting of method calls is
usually an indication that the design is off.

Furthermore, all my experience of *general* programming suggests that OO
programming is only one choice of code structure, and not even the most
widely applicable or appropriate one, especially when your language offers
good support for procedural and functional programming approaches.

So abandoning a very general facility (unary-method-call-on-topic) for a
very specific one (unary-method-call-on-invocant) could be construed to
be very un-Huffman at the semantic level: there are many more contexts
in which something is topicalized than there are contexts in which
something is an invocant. So it makes sense to have the short-cut on the
more commonly created default.

Now, personally, I would like to see a short-cut for *both* types of
method call, but if we can't have that (if only for the lack of
spare punctuation) then I really think we have to go with the more
general form.

If I have .foo() as $, then I can get unary method call on
invocant very easily, even if methods don't topicalize their invocant.

    method bar ($_:) {

But if .foo() means $?, how do I then get unary method call
on topic???

As a final observation, designing a language isn't just about minimizing
keystrokes on common operations. That admittedly desirable goal has to
be balanced against other aspects of the language. One important one is
internal consistency.

The whole point of having a topic in the first place is so it can be the
thing you don't have to explicitly name all the time: the standard
default. $_ is the default target of a C<readline>, the default chompee
of a C<chomp>, the default data source of a C<print>, the default string
against which patterns are matched, the default filename that C<stat>
stats, the default source code that C<eval> executes, the default text
that C<split> divides, the default argument upon which most of the
mathematical functions operate. Almost every place you can leave
something out in Perl, that something is $_. Now we're proposing unary
dot as a method call in which you can leave something out. If you were
an average Perl programmer and had to guess what that something was,
what would you guess?


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