On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 04:38:38PM +0200, Thomas Wittek wrote:
> Jonathan Lang schrieb:
> > IMHO, syntax should be left alone until a compelling reason to change
> > it is found.  While I think it would be nice to have a more intuitive
> > name for grep
> What would be the disadvantage of renaming it to a more intuitive name?
> I can only see advantages.

Lost culture perhaps.  There's a long strong tradition of the term
"grep" in perl and it would be a shame to toss that away without some
serious thought.

That said, I'm in favor of the term "filter" because, as Damian
mentioned, that term is used in several other languages.

> > I don't think that this qualifies as a compelling
> > reason to change it - especially since it's so easy to add aliases via
> > modules
> As Smylers said above: Please, no more aliases. They only create confusion.

Sure, but "all's fair if you predeclare". Aliases imposed on us all may
cause confusion, but presumably, if an individual has asked for an
alias, they are willing to risk the potential confusion.

For me personally, I can live with "filter" as an alias for "grep".
But that's just me.

Jonathan Scott Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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