Hi everyone,

I am working with perl 5.8 at the moment after developping web apps in PHP.

I know that perl doesn't only focus on web apps and my question might seem irrelevant but I've been searching the web in order to find the new features of perl6 regarding new functions, core module lists (not perl grammar itself) but couldn't find any thing...

I would like to develop web apps with perl too but having to download modules from CPAN every time makes me feel these apps will never be able to evoluate in different environments.
(environments you don't have control of)

I am a bit amazing to see that perl doesn't include a bunch a set theory functions too. Instead, need to reinvent the wheel making things easy possible and hard things unconvenient.

I am not blaming perl but only hopes that perl6 will allow to make things easy for the programmer.

as for the web, maintaining state thru server side cookies and DBI are the very minimum I would recommend.
more hash and array functions a minimum too.
if there are such things in perl6, I'll be very happy to work with this language !

I may not know enough about perl and my 'complain' might be absolutely unfounded. I know this is an open source language and that people are busy and if the answer is "DIY !"
I'll pass my way^^;

Anyway, this is an outside view from 2007 hoping to help perl6 becoming popular amongst people.

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