Hereby I declare myself as the Pharao of the Perl 6 Documentation.

My first sign of regence will be most probably tomorrow the release the initial stable release of

this is a perly command line tool to read perl 6 related documentation. The code was actually made by Ingy döt net since this is just an updated version of Perl6::Bible which will hereby depreciated. It contains the newest version of the Synopses, Apocalypses and Exegesis, like Perl6::Bible did, plus the more usefull docs from the Pugs repository including the tutorial. I have also plans to add my perl article (once they transelated) for $foo perl magazine and maybe some articles,
if chomatic allowes.

I plan also include my wiki styled tutorial that i began to translate these days, as you can see under

Yes i renamed it perl tables, to avoid namespace collision with the already started perl tutorial in pugs SVN, and also because its a much nicer and more descriptive name of what it does. its a table like summary of all perl 6 feature, so well ordered and with some aditional explaining text, so you can always find quickly if you
look for something. its also a reference to the

which contained all the wisdom people of ancient times had. so it should perl tables contain all wisdom about perl.
As always everybody is invited,

blessfull holidays
end of communication

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