
Jon Lang wrote:
I'm having some difficulty understanding the business with £.  I
_think_ that you're saying that £ sort of acts as a prefix operator
that changes the meaning of the type with which it is associated; and
the only time that a change in meaning occurs is if the type in
question makes use of ::?CLASS or a generic parameter.

The difference seems to be the two definitions of bendit

  sub bendit (IBend ::T $p -->T)
     IBend $q = get_something;
     my T $result= $p.merge($q);
     return $result;

  sub bendit (£ IBend ::T $p -->T)
     T $q = get_something;
     my T $result= $p.merge($q);
     return $result;

The interesting thing that is actually left out is the return type
of get_something. I think in both cases it does the IBend role but
in the second definition it is checked against the actual type T
which is Thingie if called with a Thingie for $p. So the advantage
of this code is that the compiler can statically complain about the
return type of get_something. But I fail to see why we need £ in
the signature to get that.

The use of £ in

  sub foo (£ pointlike ::PointType $p1, PointType $p2 --> PointType)

is that of *structural* subtyping. Here FoxPoint is found to be
pointlike. In that I would propose again to take the 'like' operator
from JavaScript 2. Doing that the role should be better named Point
and foo reads:

  sub foo (like Point ::PointType $p1, PointType $p2 --> PointType)

This is very useful to interface between typed and untyped code.
With rthe 'like' the role Point has to be *nominally* available
in the argument. There's no problem with 'like'-types beeing more
expensive than a nominal check.

Regards, TSa.

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