> for the latest spec changes regarding this item, see
> http://perlcabal.org/svn/pugs/revision/?rev=27959.
> is everyone equally miserable now? ;)
> ~jerry

Ha! :)

I do indeed feel underwhelmed. I'll surely get over it but I may as
well post why, even though Larry's presumably trying to stop the
discussion. Sorry Larry.

First, I had liked some of the ideas that had been posted in this
thread. Quite a lot more than Larry's pick. Of course, I may well be
missing complications he can see.

Second, I had been mulling backtick, but was thinking on more radical
lines than the one Larry's gone for. Again, perhaps he's got more up
his sleeve that builds on what he's just committed.

For a quick backgrounder, Larry had talked of reserving backtick for
use as a user defined operator [1], Mark had suggested its use as a
(tightly bound) comment [2], and James et al had suggested using it to
declare units [3].

I've long been in Mark's camp about a lightweight and attractive
docstring syntax being likely to be helpful for encouraging habits
that would likely contribute to improved long term maintainability of
code with comments, and was mulling that.

love, raiph

[1] http://markmail.org/message/zvn2hul6irggtrde
[3] http://www.mail-archive.com/perl6-language@perl.org/msg20819.html

love, raiph

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