On 10/12/2015 09:51 PM, Mark Overmeer wrote:
* Moritz Lenz (mor...@faui2k3.org) [151012 15:32]:
   . are they using :D correctly?

Yes, though not everybody uses :D as much as they do. Do you check that
all the parameters that your Perl 5 methods/subs receive are defined? If
not, you wouldn't use :D in Perl 6 either.

In Perl5, you get slower code when you test for definedness... in Perl6
you get faster (better optimized) code.  That's a big difference.

Do you? Did you actually measure that?

FWIW you can now (as of a few days ago) control the default with
use invocant :D;

How can de invocant not be defined?

Well, if you call a constructor, you call it on the type object. Hence the type object is the class, and not defined.

use parameters :D;

The new "use warnings"/"use strict"...

which means all those :D annotations can go away, and you have to use :_
explicitly if you want to allow all.

Oh, use :U for that.  Ehhh.... already in use.

:U means "undefined", :_ means "defined or undefined, I don't care"

And I don't know if we can change it now without creating a huge havoc
in the existing ecosystem.

There shouldn't be a problem making :D a superfluous option.  Of swiftly
add  "use parameters $_;"  to all modules.

Why shouldn't this be a problem?

 And there still quite a
number of other crucial changes going in anyway...

But hopefully none of them breaking backwards compatibility on such a large scale. The last few backwards incompatible changes still cause pain in the ecosystem. We have 390+ modules, and hand-waving away all trouble of maintaining them seems a bit lofty.

   . :D looks really ugly, don't you think?  Try to explain to students
     to add this smiley everywhere.

It's not uglier than a 'die "Must be defined" unless defined $x'

Much too expensive in Perl5.

Then don't do in Perl 6 either. If you can argue away the need for safety based on the need for performance, you can also argue away the need for safety based on the need for cleaner code.


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