D'you think it's a possibility to provide read-only access to the lists
for interested parties?  I'm certainly not competent enough to contribute
to a core discussion, for example, but I have no doubt that my eventual
Perl6 facility would be greatly increased by observing the dialogue.

Nathan Wiger (Today):

> Andy Dougherty wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Nathan Torkington wrote:
> > 
> > > Closed-for-posting mailing lists that are publically readable is the
> > > best suggestion we've had to meet these ends so far.
> > >
> > > Anyone have better suggestions?
> > 
> > Just that it not be *too* hard to get on the closed lists (and,
> > symmetrically, that it not be *too* hard for the list chair to bounce
> > someone *off* the list if that person is judged to be persistently and
> > seriously damaging to the list).
> Yep, this is my only concern. It should be reasonably easy to say "I
> really want to help" and get on the closed lists. Perhaps the best way
> of making sure the lists don't bloat into "everyone has an opinion"
> lists is to require that *all* members contribute code to that list's
> purpose. If you're on the list, you _must_ program. So, if you really
> want to help with async i/o, that's fine, join -internals-io, but be
> aware that if you aren't actively contributing code you'll be dropped. 
> I'd prefer the exact criteria for "not actively contributing" remain a
> little fuzzy, since some people may really contribute for a good two
> months, then travel for 4 weeks, then contribute again. However, it
> seems reasonable that if someone's been on the list long enough for
> projects to come up that they pass on repeatedly, the list chair should
> have some type of authority to say "look, it's time you did something,
> or take off" (in fact, this could even be automated :-).
> I was going to suggest a criteria for initial membership of having
> authored at least a CPAN module or core patch, but I'm not sure. It
> seems reasonable that someone shouldn't be programming core if they
> haven't really done anything big in Perl before (and given it back), but
> I'm not sure if this is too strict.
> -Nate

~ j. // A student who changes the course of history is probably
     // taking an exam. 

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