Starting from the end: there's no need to use github, panda can install stuff just fine from a local directory :) As for the directory layout, is probably the best source to learn how it works under the hood.

Hope this helps,


On 01/05/16 15:35, Fernando Santagata wrote:

Yes, that works too. But I was just trying to understand how the directory layout works.

In particular I was trying to reproduce what panda does, since I didn't want to use <> just to install a test module.
I found no documentation about this, so I tried this mailing list.

On May 1, 2016 15:23, "Brock Wilcox" < <>> wrote:

    I recommend putting your module into a 'lib' dir near your script.
    Then in your script add:

      use lib 'lib';

    That way you don't have to add the -l param.

    On May 1, 2016 09:21, "Fernando Santagata"
    < <>> wrote:


        I'm trying to write a module and make a program load and use it.
        Since this code:

        perl6 -e 'say $*REPO'



        I thought that putting the .pm6 file in there would be enough.
        So, since my module is A::B, I put B.pm6 into ~/.perl6/A .
        But when I run a test program which loads A::B, I receive this

        Could not find A::B at line 5 in:

        If I run the test program this way it works:

        perl6 -I ~/.perl6 ./test.p6

        Why is that? Where should I put the module file to be seen
        automatically, without adding the -I option?

        As a side note, if I want to precompile the module, as panda
        does when installing new modules from the repository, where
        should I put the .moarvm file?


-- Fernando Santagata

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