On Sun, 11 Jan 2004, Behnam wrote:
> On 11-Jan-04, at 10:40 AM, Roozbeh Pournader wrote:
> > On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 19:06, Behnam wrote:
> >
> >> of improving Farsi computing.
> >                ^^^^^
> >
> > Persian? Please?
> >
> > roozbeh
> Now, I like you to have the same "pushing" approach towards the
> technicality of Persian computing requirements!

We at the FarsiWeb project spend our time to push the right thing
in technically qualified places.  Other people like Connie are
sacrificing their life to get our comments and translate it into
pages that the other 90% can understand.  You are welcome to join

> But on the Persian versus Farsi issue, of course I followed the
> discussions in FarsiWeb and my personal view is that it's not for this
> forum or for any forum for that matter, to "standardize" a language.
> This goes way beyond the simple matter of two words, Farsi and Persian,
> which I don't care either way anyways, but the matter of openness of a
> language, a culture and the issue of freedom of expression. And of
> course I didn't join this forum to discuss about any of these matters.
> Suffice to say that language academy (à la Française) is not for me.
> This kind of institutions can't stop the evolution of the language of a
> people. They just adapt to the evolution forced by people... twenty
> years later!
> ... and I'm not going to discuss this any further.

I don't mean any offense, but this is what I call "ignorance".
To use a word, to say that you do not care which one you use, and
to refuse to discuss the reason.

And this ignorance thing is gonna kill us some day or another.


> Behnam

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