On Wed, 19 May 2004, Behnam wrote:

> The Unicode character is U-2011, Non-Breaking Hyphen. If you don't have
> it on your keyboard, you may be able to use this information to type it
> with other tools or utilities.

As Ordak D. Coward reports, Ctrl-Shift-Hyphen instead of hyphen does
the trick in Word.  (I checked.)  I never thought  of using Help. What a
novel idea!
U+2011 should definitely be part of the custom Perso-Arabic
transliteration keyboards. (Hint to Peter)

> Or you can drop the "Al-" altogether. If I remember correctly, his
> street name in Iran was "Biruni" short and simple!

Yes, you have to keep the audience in mind and pick from Abu Rayhan,
Biruni, al-Biruni. Worse with (al-)Ghaz(z)ali.

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