> The change of the checksum state is WAL logged with a new xlog record. All 
> the buffers written by the background worker are forcibly enabled full page 
> writes to make sure the checksum is fully updated on the standby even if no 
> actual contents of the buffer changed.

Hm. That doesn't sound necessary to me. If you generate a checkpoint
(or just wait until a new checkpoint has started) then go through and
do a normal xlog record for every page (any xlog record, a noop record
even) then the normal logic for full page writes ought to be
sufficient. If the noop record doesn't need a full page write it's
because someone else has already come in and done one and that one
will set the checksum. In fact if any page has an lsn > the checkpoint
start lsn for the checkpoint after the flag was flipped then you
wouldn't need to issue any record at all.

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