
On 2018-03-04 11:03:05 +0100, Fabien COELHO wrote:
> > A lot of contributors, including serial ones, don't even remotely put in
> > as much resources reviewing other people's patches as they use up in
> > reviewer and committer bandwidth. You certainly have contributed more
> > patches than you've reviewed for example.
> Please check your numbers before criticising someone unduly.

I did.  I filtered emails by threads, and counted the number of

> > Note that pgbench code does add work, even if one is not using the new
> > features. As you know, I was working on performance and robustness
> > improvements, and to make sure they are and stay correct I was
> > attempting to compile postgres with -fsanitize=overflow - which fails
> > because pgbench isn't overflow safe. I reported that, but you didn't
> > follow up with fixes.
> Indeed. AFAICR you did it before, I think that I reviewed it, it was not a
> period for which I had a lot of available time, and I did not feel it was
> something that urgent to fix because there was no practical impact. I would
> have done it later, probably.

It's still not fixed.


Andres Freund

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