
Maybe you can try searching for the name of the tutor for the item you are 
interested in on this page below.


Then you can find the email address of the tutor you want to contact, and then 
share your thoughts with him.
It is exactly what I have done. Hope it can help you.

Hongyuan Ma (cs_maleica...@163.com) 

At 2018-03-12 21:48:21, "Christos Maris" <christos.c.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey there,

My name is Christos (Chris for short) and I would love to work with you via the 
GSoC program this summer.

I am sending this mail because I am in a need for some instructions on how to 
find a mentor and a project to work on.

Can anyone help me with that? Also is there any potential mentor here?

Any info helps.

Thanks a lot in advance!

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