
* David Fetter (da...@fetter.org) wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 09:36:38AM -0500, Jonah H. Harris wrote:
> > Secondly, I don't believe there's any restriction of explicitly what
> > can and cannot be posted on a public Postgres mailing list.
> We have plenty of such restrictions.  Take the Nazi spammer, for
> example, and what he's doing is just offensive and silly.  What you're
> doing exposes people to real, substantive harm.

Do you have a court case backing that statement?  If not, then I think
you're playing a bit too much of the lawyer for a public mailing list.

> This is a very big deal, as you are exposing every US PostgreSQL
> contributor to triple damages for "knowing infringement."  

Again, it's not at all clear that such a claim would stand up in court
and threatening to kick people off of public mailing lists for talking
about patents is patently ridiculous.  You could make a similar claim
that we should go through our mail archive and remove any post that ever
talked about a patent in case we're required to provide web access logs
that show someone looked at a page that talked about a patent.

And all of that without even bringing up the fact that core folks have
talked about patents on this list in the past.



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