Greg Smith <> writes:
> To answer Rafael's concerns directly:  you're right that this is 
> confusing.  pg_relation_size is always going to do what it does right 
> now just because of how that fits into the design of the database.  
> However, the documentation should be updated to warn against the issue 
> with TOAST here.  And it should be easier to get the total you're like 
> to see here:  main relation + toasted parts, since that's what most DBAs 
> want in this area.

Perhaps invent  pg_table_size() = base table + toast table + toast index
and             pg_indexes_size() = all other indexes for table
giving us the property pg_table_size + pg_indexes_size =

I think the 8.4 documentation already makes it apparent that
pg_relation_size is a pretty low-level number.  If we invent other
functions with obvious names, that should be sufficient.

                        regards, tom lane

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