Il 16/01/2010 11:48, Dimitri Fontaine ha scritto:
Matteo Beccati<>  writes:
Anyway, I've made further changes and I would say that at this point the PoC
is feature complete. There surely are still some rough edges and a few
things to clean up, but I'd like to get your feedback once again:

I've been clicking around and like the speedy feeling and the Thread
index appearing under any mail. Also getting the attachments seems to be
just working™. I've also checked than this "local thread" works on month
boundaries, so that you're POC is in a way already better than the
current archives solution.

Thanks for the feedback.

Only missing is the search, but we have tsearch and pg_trgm masters not
far away…

I haven't even looked at it as I was under the impression that the old engine could still be used. If not, adding search support should be fairly easy.

You will find that pgsql-general and -hackers are subscribed and getting
messages live, wihle -hackers-history and -www have been imported from the
archives (about 200k and 1.5k messages respectively at 50 messages/s).

Tried clicking over there and very far in the past indexes show no
messages. Here's an example:

Yeah, there are a few messages in the archives with a wrong date header. The list is generated using from min(date) to now(), so there are holes. At some point I'll run a few queries to fix that.

Also, I'd need some help with the CTE query that was picking a wrong plan
and led me to forcibly disable merge joins inside the application when
executing it. Plans are attached.

Sorry, not from me, still a CTE noob.

Actually the live db doesn't suffer from that problem anymore, but I've able to reproduce the issue with a few days old backup running on a test 8.5alpha3 instance that still has a stock postgresql.conf.

Matteo Beccati

Development & Consulting -

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