Tim Bunce wrote:
On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 10:14:28PM -0500, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
Robert Haas wrote:
We're down to 5 patches remaining, and 1 day remaining, so it's time
to try to wrap things up.

* Package namespace and Safe init cleanup for plperl.  Andrew Dunstan
is taking care of this one, I believe.
I will get this in, with changes as discussed recently.

Here's a small extra patch for your consideration.

It addresses a couple of minor loose-ends in plperl:
- move on_proc_exit() call to after the plperl_*_init() calls
    so on_proc_exit will only be called if plperl_*_init() succeeds
    (else there's a risk of on_proc_exit consuming all the exit hook slots)
- don't allow use of Safe version 2.21 as that's broken for PL/Perl.

I have committed all the plperl changes that were under discussion, including this, and the change to the log level of perl warnings.

Thanks for all your work, Tim, you have certainly given plperl a huge booster shot.



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