Hi Simon,

On 1/14/2011 1:15 PM, Simon Riggs wrote:
Patch to implement the proposed feature attached, for CFJan2011.

Overall, I think the patch looks good, but I found some problems with it. In tablecmds.c you have:

+       if (found && con->contype == CONSTR_FOREIGN && !con->convalidated)

which I don't think is correct, and my tests seem to agree; the actual validation doesn't happen at all. Changing that to CONSTRAINT_FOREIGN makes the validation part work, but then I get:

ERROR:  cache lookup failed for constraint 16419

when trying to drop the table and the regression tests fail because of this. Also having a regression test where the validation fails seems like a good idea.

Another problem I found is that psql doesn't indicate in any way that a FOREIGN KEY constraint is not validated yet.

I also think that having the function for getting a list of values that violate the constraint would be helpful. Any particular reason why you decided to omit it from this patch?

Marko Tiikkaja

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