On 04/19/2012 11:25 AM, Christopher Browne wrote:

The vast majority of the spam I have originates in the postgresql git
repository. You don't have any commits there...

But I would've assumed it should hit equally hard on other
repositories that's been around a long time.
I have plenty of commits on the Slony Git repo, which has had clones
at github for about as long as PostgreSQL has.

And I don't get any noticeable amounts of spam at github.  Not all
notifications are hugely interesting, but I don't see anything that's
not reasonably related to things I have commented on.

So I think there has to be some other effect in play.

The spammers pick certain well known projects, I believe.

At any rate, I found that my spam went to nil by turning off notifications for comments on my commits and comments that mention me.



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