> What PostgreSQL version is this?
I'm using "Postgresql 9.2.4, compiled by Visual C++ build 1600, 64-bit"

> Are there any triggers on any of these tables?
There are no triggers.

> Any noteworthy extensions installed?
Here is the results returned by "select * from pg_available_extensions"

name        ;    default_version    ;    installed_version
adminpack          ; 1.0 ;
autoinc            ; 1.0 ;
btree_gin          ; 1.0 ;
btree_gist         ; 1.0 ;
chkpass            ; 1.0 ;
citext             ; 1.0 ;
cube               ; 1.0 ;
dblink             ; 1.0 ;
dict_int           ; 1.0 ;
dict_xsyn          ; 1.0 ;
earthdistance      ; 1.0 ;
file_fdw           ; 1.0 ;
fuzzystrmatch      ; 1.0 ;
hstore             ; 1.1 ;
insert_username    ; 1.0 ;
intagg             ; 1.0 ;
intarray           ; 1.0 ;
isn                ; 1.0 ;
lo                 ; 1.0 ;
ltree              ; 1.0 ;
moddatetime        ; 1.0 ;
pageinspect        ; 1.0 ;
pgcrypto           ; 1.0 ;
pgrowlocks         ; 1.0 ;
pgstattuple        ; 1.0 ;
pg_buffercache     ; 1.0 ;
pg_freespacemap    ; 1.0 ;
pg_stat_statements ; 1.1 ;
pg_trgm            ; 1.0 ;
pldbgapi           ; 1.0 ;
plperl             ; 1.0 ;
plperlu            ; 1.0 ;
plpgsql            ; 1.0 ; 1.0
plpython2u         ; 1.0 ;
plpython3u         ; 1.0 ;
plpythonu          ; 1.0 ;
pltcl              ; 1.0 ;
pltclu             ; 1.0 ;
refint             ; 1.0 ;
seg                ; 1.0 ;
sslinfo            ; 1.0 ;
tablefunc          ; 1.0 ;
tcn                ; 1.0 ;
test_parser        ; 1.0 ;
timetravel         ; 1.0 ;
tsearch2           ; 1.0 ;
unaccent           ; 1.0 ;
uuid-ossp          ; 1.0 ;
xml2               ; 1.0 ;

Le 17/10/2013 14:18, Robert Haas a écrit :
Hmm.  That error isn't supposed to happen; it's denoted in the source
code by elog() rather than ereport(), which means that it's just there
as a backstop, and never really intended to be become user-visible.
So I'd say you've found a bug.  What PostgreSQL version is this?

There are actually two places where that error can happen:
simple_heap_update and simple_heap_delete.  If you set the error
verbosity to verbose, you should be able to see which function is at
fault.  The thing is, I don't see anything in that query which would
update or delete any tuples, so there must be more to the story.  If
you have the ability to build from source, you could try setting a
long sleep just before that error is thrown.  Then run your test case
until it hangs at that spot and get a stack backtrace.  But that may
be more troubleshooting than you want to get into.  Are there any
triggers on any of these tables?  Any noteworthy extensions installed?

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