On Nov 17, 2013, at 2:26 PM, Dimitri Fontaine <dimi...@2ndquadrant.fr> wrote:

>> It’s syntax is different than JSON, so one would need to convert to
>> and from JSON all the time to parse and serialize. PITA.
> Oh I misremembered about that, I though it would take JSON as input
> as-is and could be made to output JSON. And IIRC the community input at
> pgconf.eu has been to just always output json texts and get rid of the
> formating GUCs.

Yeah, but for back-compate, it has to use => instead of : to separate keys from 
values, and cannot use braces for a root-level object. :-(

> Now, if it turns out that the new hstore is not dealing with json input
> and output, we could have json, jstore and hstore.

That's where this is headed, yes.


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