At 09:38 PM 24/10/2002 -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
OK, I am focusing on AIX now.  I don't think we can go down the road of
saying where large file support is needed or not needed.  I think for
each platform either we support large files or we don't.
Rather than having a different patch file for each platform and refusing to code fseek/tell because we can't do SEEK_CUR, why not check for FSEEKO64 and revert to a simple solution:

#ifdef HAVE_FSEEKO64
#define FSEEK fseeko64
#define FTELL ftello64
#define FILE_OFFSET off64_t
#define FSEEK fseeko
#define FTELL ftello
#define FILE_OFFSET off_t
#if sizeof(off_t) > sizeof(long)
#define FSEEK fseek
#define FTELL ftell
#define FILE_OFFSET long
#end if...

Then use a correct checkSeek which also checks IGNORE_FSEEK.

AFAICT, this *will* do the job on all systems discussed. And we can certainly skip the HAVE_FSEEK_BETTER_THAN_32_BIT bit, but coding a trivial seek/tell pair for fsetpos/fgetpos is easy, even in a macro.

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