* Fabrízio de Royes Mello (fabriziome...@gmail.com) wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> > I hope we can get pgAudit in as a module for 9.5. I also hope that it
> > will stimulate the requirements/funding of further work in this area,
> > rather than squash it. My feeling is we have more examples of feature
> > sets that grow over time (replication, view handling, hstore/JSONB
> > etc) than we have examples of things languishing in need of attention
> > (partitioning).
> +1

To this point, specifically, I'll volunteer to find time in Novemeber to
review pgAudit for inclusion as a contrib module.  I feel a bit
responsible for it not being properly reviewed earlier due to my upgrade
and similar concerns.

Perhaps the latest version should be posted and added to the commitfest
for 2014-10 and I'll put myself down as a reviewer..?  I don't see it
there now.  I don't mean to be dismissive by suggesting it be added to
the commitfest- I honestly don't see myself having time before November
given the other things I'm involved in right now and pgConf.eu happening
in a few weeks.

Of course, if someone else has time to review, please do.



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