Thanks for the review.

On 16 October 2014 23:23, MauMau <> wrote:

> (3)
> SELECT against a view generated two audit log lines, one for the view
> itself, and the other for the underlying table.  Is this intended?  I'm not
> saying that's wrong but just asking.


> (4)
> I'm afraid audit-logging DML statements on temporary tables will annoy
> users, because temporary tables are not interesting.


> (5)
> This is related to (4).  As somebody mentioned, I think the ability to
> select target objects of audit logging is definitely necessary.  Without
> that, huge amount of audit logs would be generated for uninteresting
> objects.  That would also impact performance.

Discussed and agreed already

> (6)
> What's the performance impact of audit logging?  I bet many users will ask
> "about what percentage would the throughtput decrease by?"  I'd like to know
> the concrete example, say, pgbench and DBT-2.

Don't know, but its not hugely relevant. If you need it, you need it.

> (8)
> The code looks good.  However, I'm worried about the maintenance.  How can
> developers notice that pgaudit.c needs modification when they add a new SQL
> statement?  What keyword can they use to grep the source code to find
> pgaudit.c?

Suggestions welcome.

 Simon Riggs         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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