On 12/31/2014 03:00 PM, David Rowley wrote:
hmm, I think it should be changed to int128 then.  Pitty int4 was
selected as a name instead of int32 back in the day...

I'm going to mark the patch as waiting on author, pending those two changes.

My view with the size estimates change is that if a committer deems it
overkill, then they can rip it out, but at least it's been thought of
and considered rather than forgotten about.

Did we come to any conclusion about naming conventions?

I am still unsure on this question. In some cases 128 is much nicer than 16, for example Int128AggState is nicer than Int16AggState and the same is true for do_int128_accum vs do_int16_accum, but the tricky cases are things like int16_to_numericvar where there already is a int8_to_numericvar function and what we should call the functions in pg_proc (currently named numeric_int16_*).

I also agree with Robert about that we should just pick one estimate and use that. I picked the smaller one, but that might be too optimistic so feel free to ask me to switch it back or to pick something in between the two estimates.

Andreas Karlsson

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