On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 08:58:24PM +0530, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> Well, when using libpq, I create a pool of PGconn*. What pool I create with 
> ecpg? Looking at ecpglib.h, it seems that I need to create a pool of char *

Yes. You use it as EXEC SQL AT :connection_var SELECT ...

> That is correct but I did not find any example of how to use a particular 
> connection in an SQL statement. It would be a fairly trivial guess that the 
> connection name is one of the arguments to ECPGdo. But how the SQL statement 
> look like, I don't have a clue. Also I don't know know how to use ECPGsetconn 
> to set a connection. No documentation on that.

You don't call either one yourself. Let ecpg do that job. Some of the
test cases in the source tree use AT. Just look under .../ecpg/test.

> I can guess that ECPG maintains a mapping between connection name and PGconn* 
> object for a user. If possible it would be very helpful to form a ecpg 
> connection on top a user supplied PGconn* object.

Why? It's possible, but you have to work with structures not meant to be
used outside the lib.

Michael Meskes
ICQ: 179140304
Go SF 49ers! Go Rhein Fire! Use Debian GNU/Linux! Use PostgreSQL!

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