
* Robert Haas ( wrote:
> OK, I'll bite: I'm worried that this patch will be a maintenance
> burden.  It's easy to imagine that changes to core will result in the
> necessity or at least desirability of changes to pgaudit, but I'm
> definitely not prepared to insist that future authors try to insist
> that future patch submitters have to understand this code and update
> it as things change.

I agree with this concern in general, and have since pgaudit was first
proposed for inclusion by Simon two years ago.  Having auditing as an
extension is what makes this into an issue though.  Were auditing baked
into core, it'd be far more straight-forward, much easier to maintain,
and would be updated as we add new core capabilities naturally.  David's
comments about how pgaudit has to work are entirely accurate- everything
ends up having to be reconstructed in a very painful way.

> The set of things that the patch can audit is pretty arbitrary and not
> well tied into the core code.  

This also speaks to the difficulties of having auditing implemented as
an extension.

* Tom Lane ( wrote:
> Yeah.  Auditing strikes me as a fine example of something for which there
> is no *technical* reason to need to put it in core.  It might need some
> more hooks than we have now, but that's no big deal.

I disagree with this, quite strongly.  There are very good, technical,
reasons why auditing should be a core capability.  Adding more hooks,
exposing various internal functions for use by extensions, etc, doesn't
change that any extension would have to be constantly updated as new
capabilities are added to core and auditing, as a capability, would
continue to be limited by virtue of being implemented as an extension.

I don't mean to detract anything from what 2ndQ and David have done with
pgaudit (which is the only auditing solution of its kind that I'm aware
of, so I don't understand the "competing implementations" argument which
has been brought up at all- there's really only one).  They've done just
as much as each version of PG has allowed them to do.  It's a much
better solution than what we have today (which is basically just
log_statement = 'all', which no one should ever consider to be a real
auditing solution).  I've already stated that I'd be willing to take on
resonsibility for maintaining it as an extension (included with PG or
not), but it's not the end-all, be-all of auditing for PG and we should
be continuing to look at implementing a full in-core auditing solution.

I'm still of the opinion that we should include pgaudit for the reason
that it's a good incremental step towards proper in-core auditing, but
there's clearly no consensus on that and doesn't appear that further
discussion is likely to change that.

An in-core auditing solution would provide us with proper grammar
support, ability to directly mark objects for auditing in the catalog,
allow us to much more easily maintain auditing capability over time as
a small incremental bit of work for each new feature (with proper
in-core infrastructure for it) and generally be a far better technical
solution.  Leveraging the GRANT system is quite cute, and does work, but
it's certainly non-intuitive and is only because we've got no better
way, due to it being implemented as an extension.

Looking at pgaudit and the other approaches to auditing which have been
developed (eg: applications which sit in front of PG and essentially
have to reimplement large bits of PG to then audit the commands sent
before passing them to PG, or hacks which try to make sense out of log
files full of SQL statements) make it quite clear, in my view, that
attempts to bolt-on auditing to PG result in a poorer solution, from a
technical perspective, than what this project is known for and capable
of.  To make true progress towards that, however, we need to get past
the thinking that auditing doesn't need to be in-core or that it should
be a second-class citizen feature or that we don't need it in PG.



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