On 2016-04-19 15:32:07 +0300, Aleksander Alekseev wrote:
> > As Tom says, we can't easily break it down into multiple co-operating
> > pieces, so lets forget that as unworkable.
> I'm sorry but didn't I just demonstrate the opposite?

I doubt it.

> If so it's very
> easy to prove - give a counterexample. As I understand approach I
> described handles cases named by Tom just fine. In fact the idea of
> transforming ASTs (a.k.a metaprogramming) is successfully used by
> programmers for about 50 years now.
> (As a side note - I'm not a native English speaker but I believe such
> type of logic is known as "argument from authority".)

And the above is called an ad-hominem.

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