I'm sorry, we are discussing technical details with no real-life use case
to cover that.
I do not want to suck time for no reason. Please accept my sincere
apologies for not asking the real-life case earlier.

Shay, can you come up with a real-life use case when those "I claim the
statement will be used only once" is would indeed improve performance?
Or, to put it in another way: "do you have a real-life case when simple
protocol is faster than extended protocol with statement reuse"?

I do have a couple of java applications and it turns out there's a huge win
of reusing server-prepared statements.
There's a problem that "generic plan after 5th execution might be much
worse than a specific one", however those statements are not often and I
just put hints to the SQL (limit 0, +0, CTE, those kind of things).

Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>:

> I do not accept this idea that retroactively defining special semantics
> for certain statement names is not a protocol break.

Sir, any new SQL keyword is what you call a "retroactively defining special
It's obvious that very little current clients do use named server-prepared
Statement names are not something that is provided by the end-user in a web
page, so it is not a rocket science to come up with a statement name that
is both short and "never ever used in the wild".

Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>:

> If it causes any
> change in what the server's response would be, then it is a protocol
> break.

I see no changes except "backend would report a protocol violation for the
case when special statement is used and message sequence is wrong".

> > Note: it is quite easy to invent a name that is not yet used in the wild,
> > so it is safe.
> Sir, that is utter nonsense.

Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>:

> And even if it were true, why is it that
> this way would safely pass through existing releases of pgbouncer when
> other ways would not?  Either pgbouncer needs to understand what it's
> passing through, or it doesn't.

Once again: exiting pgbouncer versions know how to parse
Parse/Bind/Exec/Deallocate messages, so if we bless some well-defined
statement name with a semantics that "it is forbidden to reuse that name
for multiple executions in a row", then that is completely transparent for
pgbouncer.  Pgbouncer would just think that "the application is dumb since
it reparses the same statement again and againt", but it would work just

On contrary, if a new statement name is added, then pgbouncer would fail to
understand the new message.


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