> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Kings-Lynne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 10:14 PM
> To: Dann Corbit
> Cc: Jason Earl; PostgreSQL-development
> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Two weeks to feature freeze
> > We (at CONNX Solutions Inc.) have a formal release procedure that 
> > includes many tens of thousands of automated tests using dozens of 
> > different platforms.  There are literally dozens of 
> machines (I would 
> > guess 70 or so total) running around the clock for 7 days before we 
> > even know if we have a release candidate.  The QA team is distinct 
> > from the development team, and if they say "FLOP!" the release goes 
> > nowhere.  No formal release until QA passes it.
> PostgreSQL has a comprehensive regression suite that is run 
> by the developers all the time...

If you mean the one that comes with PostgreSQL, then I think the MySQL
test is better.  The PostgreSQL test seems to focus more on extensions
than anything else.
> > If there is no procedure for PostgreSQL of this nature, then there 
> > really needs to be.  I am sure that MySQL must have 
> something in place 
> > like that.  Their "Crash-Me" test suite shows (at least) that they 
> > have put a large effort into testing.
> No, it means they've put a crap effort into trying to make 
> other databases look bad...

It does not achieve that goal.

Most of the criticism leveled at their efforts sound like fearful hand
waving to me.  True, I have not studied the test as carefully as others
have.  But the PostgreSQL test is not superior to the MySQL test.  I
have put considerable effort into the PostgreSQL regression test.  We
achieved 100% success on the Win32 platform, including dynamic loading
of functions.

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