On Sat, 21 Jun 2003, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

> Crash-me has nothing to do with testing, it jsut checks to see what
> features a db supports:

An interesting point is that until recently, crashme said that the 
postgresql backend crashed on very large queries.  The actual problem was 
that postgresql has NO LIMIT to query size, and the crashme script would 
keep feeding the postgresql backend larger and larger amounts of query 
until the internal buffer of the crashme script overran.

This failure was attributed to postgresql when it was, in fact a bug in 
the crashme script.

This is not an isolated behaviour of crashme.  It's a quick dirty hack job 
designed to show the differences between MySQL and all the other 
databases.  If it was truly comprehensive (i.e. SQL92 spec testing) there 
would be hundreds of failure points for MySQL.  but it isn't.  It tests 
only those things that are good in MySQL against other databases (for the 
most part, there is some token effort at including a few things MySQL 
doesn't do).

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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