On 2017-09-30 02:17:54,"Alexander Korotkov" <a.korot...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:

Great.  Now code of this patch looks good for me.
However, we forgot about documentation.

   The result is equivalent to replacing the target data directory with the
   source one. Only changed blocks from relation files are copied;
   all other files are copied in full, including configuration files. The
   advantage of <application>pg_rewind</> over taking a new base backup, or
   tools like <application>rsync</>, is that <application>pg_rewind</> does
   not require reading through unchanged blocks in the cluster. This makes
   it a lot faster when the database is large and only a small
   fraction of blocks differ between the clusters.

At least, this paragraph need to be adjusted, because it states whose files are 
copied.  And probably latter paragraphs whose state about WAL files.

Your are rigth.
I wrote a draft as following, but i'm afraid whether the english statement is 

diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/pg_rewind.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/pg_rewind.sgml
index d5430d4..bcd094b 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/ref/pg_rewind.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/ref/pg_rewind.sgml
@@ -50,9 +50,12 @@ PostgreSQL documentation
    The result is equivalent to replacing the target data directory with the
    source one. Only changed blocks from relation files are copied;
-   all other files are copied in full, including configuration files. The
-   advantage of <application>pg_rewind</> over taking a new base backup, or
-   tools like <application>rsync</>, is that <application>pg_rewind</> does
+   all other files except WAL are copied in full, including configuration
+   files. Only the WAL files between the point of divergence and the current
+   WAL insert location of the source server are copied, for other WAL files
+   are useless for the target server. The advantage of
+   <application>pg_rewind</> over taking a new base backup, or tools
+   like <application>rsync</>, is that <application>pg_rewind</> does
    not require reading through unchanged blocks in the cluster. This makes
    it a lot faster when the database is large and only a small
    fraction of blocks differ between the clusters.
@@ -231,7 +234,7 @@ PostgreSQL documentation
       Copy all other files such as <filename>pg_xact</filename> and
       configuration files from the source cluster to the target cluster
-      (everything except the relation files).
+      (everything except the relation files and some WAL files).

Best Regars,
Chen Huajun

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