On Nov 11, 2003, at 12:11 PM, Joe Conway wrote:

Jan Wieck wrote:

Very interesting read. Nice work!

Ditto. I'll read it a bit closer later, but after a quick read it seems quite complete and well thought out. I especially like
that sequences are being dealt with.

Thanks for putting the effort in, and making it a community project.

We want to build this system as a community project. The plan was from
the beginning to release the product under the BSD license. And we think
it is best to start it as such and to ask for suggestions during the
design phase already.

I couldn't quite tell from the design doc -- do you intend to support conditional replication at a row level?

I'm also curious, with cascaded replication, how do you handle the case where a second level slave has a transaction failure for some reason, i.e.:

           / \
          /   \
        Sa     Sb
       /  \   /  \
      Sc  Sd Se  Sf

What happens if data is successfully replicated to Sa, Sb, Sc, and Sd, and then an exception/rollback occurs on Se?


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Andrew Rawnsley
The Ravensfield Digital Resource Group, Ltd.
(740) 587-0114

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