Jan Wieck wrote:
Dear community,

for some reason the post I sent yesterday night still did not show up on the mailing lists. I have set up some links on the developers side under http://developer.postgresql.org/~wieck/slony1.html

The concept will be the base for some of my work as a Software Engineer
here at Afilias USA INC. in the near future. Afilias is like many of you
in need of reliable and performant replication solutions for backup and
failover purposes. We started this work a couple of weeks ago by
defining the goals and required features for our usage of PostgreSQL.

Slony-I will be the first of 2 distinct replication systems designed
with the 24/7 datacenter in mind.

We want to build this system as a community project. The plan was from
the beginning to release the product under the BSD license. And we think
it is best to start it as such and to ask for suggestions during the
design phase already.

I would like to start developing the replication engine itself as soon
as possible. And as a PostgreSQL CORE developer I will sure put some of
my spare time into this as well. On the other hand there is absolutely
no design other than "they mostly call some stored procedures" done for
the frontend tools yet, and I think that we need some real good admin
tools in the end.

I look forward to your comments.



First of all we really appreciate that this is going to be an Open Source project.
There is something I wanted to add from a marketing point of view: I have done many public talks in the 2 years or so. There is one question people keep asking me: "How about the pgreplication project?". In every training course, at any conference people keep asking for synchronous replication. We have offered this people some async solutions which are already out there but nobody seems to be interested in having it (my person impression). People keep asking for a sync approach via email but nobody seems to care about an async approach. This does not mean that async is bad but we can see a strong demand for synchronous replication.

Meanwhile we seem to be in a situation where PostgreSQL is rather competing against Oracle than against MySQL. In our case there are more people asking for Oracle -> Pg migration than for MySQL -> Pg. MySQL does not seem to be the great enemy because most people know that it is an inferior product anyway. What I want to point out is that some people want an alternative Oracle's Real Application Cluster. They want load balancing and hot failover. Even data centers asking for replication did not want to have an async approach in the past.

I just wanted to mention that because personally I don't have the impression that an additional async project is worth the effort.

Note: This does not mean that it is bad to have one more product ;).



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