Joe Conway wrote:

Jan Wieck wrote:

Very interesting read. Nice work!

We want to build this system as a community project. The plan was from
the beginning to release the product under the BSD license. And we think
it is best to start it as such and to ask for suggestions during the
design phase already.

I couldn't quite tell from the design doc -- do you intend to support conditional replication at a row level?

If you mean to configure the system to replicate rows to different destinations (slaves) based on arbitrary qualifications, no. I had thought about it, but it does not really fit into the "datacenter and failover" picture, so it is not required to meet the goals and adds unnecessary complexity.

This sort of feature is much more important for a replication system designed for hundreds or thousands of sporadic, asynchronous multi-master systems, the typical "salesman on the street" kind of replication.

I'm also curious, with cascaded replication, how do you handle the case where a second level slave has a transaction failure for some reason, i.e.:

            / \
           /   \
         Sa     Sb
        /  \   /  \
       Sc  Sd Se  Sf

What happens if data is successfully replicated to Sa, Sb, Sc, and Sd, and then an exception/rollback occurs on Se?

First, it does not replicate single transactions. It replicates batches of them together. Since the transactions are already committed (and possibly some other depending on them too), there is no way - you loose Se.

If this is only a temporary failure, like a power fail and the database recovers on restart fine including the last confirmed SYNC event (they get confirmed after they commit locally, but that's before the next checkpoint so there is actually a gap where the slave could loose a committed transaction and then it's lost for sure) ... so if it comes back up without loosing the last confirmed SYNC, it will catch up.


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
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