On August 26, 2004 01:06 pm, Magnus Hagander wrote:
> >pginstaller itself that would auto-mail that out ...
> Don't think that's going to work. You need th emailserver. In most
> cases, you need the login for the mailserver. Most companies and
> nowadays a lot of home ISPs block outbound SMTP unless you go through
> their authenticated servers.
> > a link to the
> >subscribe option(s) at the web site would be perfect too ...
> That one can work, assuming we have a web form somewhere people can
> subscribe from.
> //Magnus
Have the installer automagiclay http-post the required info (that they filled 
in)  ?

Darcy Buskermolen
Wavefire Technologies Corp.
ph: 250.717.0200
fx:  250.763.1759

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